• BMW Z4

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    BMW Z4 2010 - GALERIE

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    Réinterprétation d’un classique. L’extérieur de la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Un Roadster dans la plus pure tradition BMW : des proportions classiques avec capot moteur allongé, porte-à-faux courts et position assise basse proche de l’essieu arrière, pour vivre des sensations en prise directe avec la route. Un langage esthétique moderne, jouant avec des lignes marquées et des transitions fluides, de la calandre verticale aux passages de roue musclés à l’arrière. Ce sont les courbes et les lignes droites qui les relient qui font de cette automobile un authentique roadster.

    Les sensations typiques. L’intérieur de la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Elle épouse les lignes du corps tout en laissant une grande liberté de mouvement. La BMW Z4 Roadster est comme un costume sur mesure avec sa console centrale asymétrique orientée vers le conducteur et son tableau de bord aux boutons de commande qui renvoient à la légendaire BMW Z8 et donnent au toucher, comme toutes les autres surfaces, une sensation de très grande qualité. Même toit fermé, l’impression d’espace demeure, de même que la sensation grisante de ne faire qu’un avec son automobile.

    Soit l’un. Soit les deux. Le toit rigide rétractable de la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Le premier roadster BMW à toit rigide : le mécanisme sophistiqué confère à l’arrière une ligne élancée typiquement roadster, même toit ouvert. En quelque vingt secondes, les deux éléments de toit en aluminium se rangent l’un au-dessus de l’autre. Fermé, le toit a une ligne comparable à celle d’un coupé. Les vitres latérales et la lunette arrière de grande dimension procurent une excellente visibilité. Conduire avec toit ouvert ou fermé n’est pas une affaire de style mais de moment.


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    BMW Z4 sDrive23i



    • Dimensions des pneus avant    225/45 R 17 W
    • Dimensions des pneus arrière    225/45 R 17 W
    • Dimensions des jantes avant    8 J x 17 Alliage léger
    • Dimensions des jantes arrière    8 J x 17 Alliage léger


    • Cylindres / soupapes/cyl.    6/4
    • Cylindrée en cm³    2 497
    • Course / alésage en mm    78,8/82,0
    • Puissance nominale (kW à t/min)    204 (150)/6 400
    • Couple maxi (Nm à t/min)    250/2 750
    • Rapport poids/puissance selon norme EU en kg/ch    7,3

    Poids en kg

    • Poids à vide selon norme EU    1 480 (1 505)
    • Poids total admissible    1 735 (1 760)
    • Charge utile    330
    • Charge admissible sur l’essieu avant / arrière    800/970

    Performances routières

    • Coefficient de traînée (cw)    0,34
    • Vitesse maximale en km/h    242 (239)
    • Accélération 0 – 100 km/h (en s)    6,6 (7,3)
    • Accélération 0 – 1000 m (en s)    26,9 (27,7)
    • Reprise 80 - 120 km/h (en s) en 4e et 5e    6,4/7,8


    • Cycle urbain selon norme EU (l/100 km)    12,4 (11,8)
    • Cycle extra-urbain selon norme EU (l/100 km)    6,2 (6,1)
    • Cycle mixte selon norme EU (l/100 km)    8,5 (8,2)
    • Emissions de CO2 (g/km)    199 (192)
    • Capacité approx. du réservoir (l)    55

    BMW Z4 sDrive30i



    • Dimensions des pneus avant    225/45 R 17 W
    • Dimensions des pneus arrière    225/45 R 17 W
    • Dimensions des jantes avant    8 J x 17 Alliage léger
    • Dimensions des jantes arrière    8 J x 17 Alliage léger


    • Cylindres / soupapes/cyl.    6/4
    • Cylindrée en cm³    2 996
    • Course / alésage en mm    88,0/85,0
    • Puissance nominale (kW à t/min)    258 (190)/6 600
    • Couple maxi (Nm à t/min)    310/2 600
    • Rapport poids/puissance selon norme EU en kg/ch    5,8

    Poids en kg

    • Poids à vide selon norme EU    1 490 (1 505)
    • Poids total admissible    1 745 (1 760)
    • Charge utile    330
    • Charge admissible sur l’essieu avant / arrière    800/970

    Performances routières

    • Coefficient de traînée (cw)    0,34
    • Vitesse maximale en km/h    250
    • Accélération 0 – 100 km/h (en s)    5,8 (6,1)
    • Accélération 0 – 1000 m (en s)    25,2 (25,6)
    • Reprise 80 - 120 km/h (en s) en 4e et 5e    5,3/6,8


    • Cycle urbain selon norme EU (l/100 km)    12,4 (11,9)
    • Cycle extra-urbain selon norme EU (l/100 km)    6,2 (6,2)
    • Cycle mixte selon norme EU (l/100 km)    8,5 (8,3)
    • Emissions de CO2 (g/km)    199 (195)
    • Capacité approx. du réservoir (l)    55


    BMW Z4 sDrive35i



    • Dimensions des pneus avant    225/45 R 17 W
    • Dimensions des pneus arrière    255/40 R 17 W
    • Dimensions des jantes avant    8 J x 17 Alliage léger
    • Dimensions des jantes arrière    8,5 J x 17 Alliage léger


    • Cylindres / soupapes/cyl.    6/4
    • Cylindrée en cm³    2 979
    • Course / alésage en mm    89,6/84,0
    • Puissance nominale (kW à t/min)    306 (225)/5 800
    • Couple maxi (Nm à t/min)    400/1 300 -
    • 5 000
    • Rapport poids/puissance selon norme EU en kg/ch    5,2

    Poids en kg

    • Poids à vide selon norme EU    1 580 (1 600)
    • Poids total admissible    1 835 (1 855)
    • Charge utile    330
    • Charge admissible sur l’essieu avant / arrière    870/1 000

    Performances routières

    • Coefficient de traînée (cw)    0,35
    • Vitesse maximale en km/h    250
    • Accélération 0 – 100 km/h (en s)    5,2 (5,1)
    • Accélération 0 – 1000 m (en s)    24,4 (24,2)
    • Reprise 80 - 120 km/h (en s) en 4e et 5e    4,9/5,7


    • Cycle urbain selon norme EU (l/100 km)    13,5 (12,6)
    • Cycle extra-urbain selon norme EU (l/100 km)    7,0 (6,9)
    • Cycle mixte selon norme EU (l/100 km)    9,4 (9,0)
    • Emissions de CO2 (g/km)    219 (210)
    • Capacité approx. du réservoir (l)    55


    Succès en série.
    Les six cylindres en ligne essence sur les BMW Z4 sDrive23i, sDrive30i et sDrive35i.

    Pourquoi les roadsters ont-ils un capot moteur allongé ? Pour pouvoir aligner six cylindres dans le sens de la marche. Car seuls six cylindres en ligne offrent le rapport poids/puissance idéal, combiné à un équilibrage des masses en mouvement et une régularité de fonctionnement remarquables. Une sensation de puissance unique, associée sur les BMW Z4 sDrive23i (204 ch/150 kW) et sDrive30i (258 ch/190 kW) à un carter en magnésium particulièrement léger. Le puissant moteur de la BMW Z4 sDrive35i délivre 306 ch (225 kW) avec un velouté exceptionnel grâce au Twin Turbo et à l’injection directe haute précision HPI.
    Consommation de carburant / Emission de CO2

    Consommation en cycle mixte de
    8,2 à 9,4 l/100 km.
    Emissions de CO₂ en cycle mixte de
    192 à 219 g/km
    Toutes les BMW Z4 Roadster satisfont à la norme antipollution EU5.


    Toujours prête d’avance. Boîte de vitesses automatique Sport 7 rapports à double embrayage DKG sur la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    La boîte automatique Sport 7 rapports* passe les vitesses sans interruption de la force de traction. Deux demi-boîtes de vitesses disposant chacune de son propre embrayage assurent un transfert permanent du couple aux roues arrière. Si le conducteur accélère en troisième, par exemple, le quatrième rapport est présélectionné. Le passage des rapports s’effectue ainsi sans interruption de la transmission du couple, via les palettes au volant ou le sélecteur. Le mode automatique offre un dynamisme particulièrement confortable. La commande de régulation du comportement dynamique permet de choisir entre les programmes « Normal », « Sport » et « Sport+ ».

    * Disponible uniquement sur la BMW Z4 sDrive35i.


    Gagnante sous tous les rapports. La boîte 6 rapports de la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Un déplacement de 45 mm du levier de changement de vitesses enclenche le rapport suivant avec une extrême précision. En interaction avec des moteurs coupleux, la boîte de vitesses manuelle 6 rapports de série est une source de plaisir supplémentaire. La boîte automatique Sport 6 rapports perfectionnée réduit la consommation et passe les rapports jusqu’à deux fois plus vite. Les deux boîtes ont en commun de procurer des sensations de conduite dynamiques à toutes les vitesses et d’assurer une efficacité maximale sur tous les trajets, longs ou courts.

    Quand rigidité rime avec légèreté. Le train avant en aluminium de la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Grâce à l’aluminium, le train avant à double articulation des pivots de fusée pèse quelque 30 % de moins qu’une construction équivalente en acier. Cet allègement permet l’obtention d’un équilibre de la charge sur les essieux, gage d’une agilité accrue et d’un comportement routier encore plus précis jusque dans les conditions d’adhérence précaire.


    Une affaire de moment. Commande de régulation du comportement dynamique sur la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Lire la route. Une route asphaltée, en parfait état, grimpe en virages serrés à l’assaut de la montagne. C’est le moment de passer en mode « Sport » via la commande de régulation du comportement dynamique. D’une simple pression sur un bouton, le véhicule change radicalement de caractère. Le moteur a des réponses plus directes, la direction et la suspension Sport adaptative M optionnelle sont plus fermes et la boîte automatique Sport (en option) passe les rapports plus vite. Les virages s’élargissent. Le moment de passer en mode « Normal » pour « cruiser » en toute décontraction. Dans chacune des trois positions, la BMW Z4 Roadster offre un ensemble de réglages convaincants pour encore plus de plaisir de conduire.

    Réglée au millimètre près. La suspension Sport adaptative M de la  BMW Z4 Roadster.

    S’inscrire avec aisance dans la trajectoire idéale : avec la suspension Sport adaptative M en option, la BMW Z4 Roadster atteint une nouvelle dimension du dynamisme sans renoncer au confort. Le surbaissement de dix millimètres abaisse le centre de gravité, ce qui permet des vitesses plus élevées en courbe. Des capteurs mesurent toutes les accélérations importantes et règlent l’amortissement en quelques centièmes de seconde. Les réglages de base « Normal », « Sport » et « Sport+ » sont sélectionnés via la commande de régulation du comportement dynamique.


    Des freins à la hauteur des performances. Contrôle Dynamique de la Stabilité DSC sur la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    La conduite sportive exige un maximum de concentration. Il faut réagir en l’espace de quelques millisecondes. Le Contrôle Dynamique de la Stabilité DSC compare en permanence la situation réelle avec la situation de consigne. Au moindre risque de dérapage, il intervient en freinant en conséquence la ou les roues concernées. La tenue de cap s’en trouve améliorée sur tous les types de revêtement et par tous les temps. En plus des systèmes intervenant en amont tels que l’ABS et le Contrôle Dynamique du Freinage DBC, le DSC dispose de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités.

    Un caractère équilibré. Répartition de la charge 50/50 dans la  BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Une réduction de poids systématique et ciblée a permis, en association avec la propulsion, d’obtenir une répartition équilibrée de la charge sur les deux essieux. Combiné à la position de conduite basse et très reculée, cela se traduit à chaque virage par une incroyable agilité de conduite dans le plus pur style BMW et un comportement parfaitement équilibré.


    Où faire passer l’énergie ? La rigidité de la carrosserie de la BMW Z4 Roadster.

    Le triangle, gage d’une liaison optimale : Qu’il s’agisse de voitures de course ou de grues, les ingénieurs recourent souvent aux liaisons triangulées lorsqu’il s’agit de répartir des forces importantes avec peu de matériau. Les traverses montées entre les tôles haute résistance confèrent à la carrosserie de la BMW Z4 Roadster une rigidité maximale même lorsquele toit est ouvert, ce qui constitue un préalable majeur à l’obtention d’une précision directionnelle et d’une sécurité passive comparables à celles d’une berline BMW.



    Return of a Classic
    The classic roadster is back – more powerful and more stylish than ever before. It is the BMW Z4, the only car in its segment combining classic roadster proportions with a seating position moved close to the rear axle, rear-wheel drive, with a retractable hardtop.
    The new BMW Z4 offers all the driving pleasure of a BMW Roadster with particularly refined and stylish flair. Driving with the roof down, this two-seater offers a refreshingly intense experience of the sunshine and the wind rushing by – and driving with the hardtop closed it provides all the comfort of a sporting coupe in the premium segment. So through this diversity and wide range of qualities, the new BMW Z4 is the re-birth of the roadster.
    The design of the new Z4 comes out through classic details interpreted in new, up-to-date style. This outstanding two-seater offers a unique combination of elegance, agility, and supreme comfort. The aluminum shells of the two-piece lightweight hardtop come to rest in the roof compartment, saving maximum space in the process. Even with the roof closed, the new Z4 retains the proportions typical of a genuine roadster.
    To ensure driving pleasure, the new BMW Z4 is offered with two inline-6 engine displacing 3.0 liters: 300 hp in the BMW Z4 sDrive35i and 255 hp in the BMW Z4 sDrive30i ensure truly outstanding acceleration and response at all times.
    Comprehensive use of BMW’s EfficientDynamics technologies serves to provide an unparalleled balance of driving pleasure and fuel efficiency. While both models are available with a manual six-speed gearbox, the Z4 sDrive35i is available also with a dual-clutch sport automatic transmission featuring seven gears. The six-speed sport automatic is available on the Z4 sDrive30i. Both sport automatic transmissions feature steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters.
    Featuring Dynamic Drive Control as standard, the BMW Z4 enables the driver to choose between three drivetrain and suspension settings at the touch of a button.

    Design: the modern look of a classic roadster.
    The new BMW Z4 takes on the classic look of the roadster in modern, flowing lines. The car’s proportions are borne out by the long and low-slung engine compartment lid, short overhangs, the long wheelbase and large wheels as well as the low seating position near the rear axle.
    The front view features a large, upright BMW kidney grille, wide air intake and the dual round headlights, typical of the BMW brand. All surfaces and lines, including the character lines on the hood, strive towards an imaginary target point on the road ahead.
    The side view is dominated by the dynamic flow of the car’s shoulder line connecting the front and rear wheel arches and accentuating the stretched, athletic look of the Roadster. The horizontal orientation of the car’s lines and surfaces at the rear, in turn, emphasizes the sheer width of the new BMW Z4. Further characteristics are the extra-large hood extending far over the wheel arches, the black A-pillars, the gills at the side with their integrated LED direction indicators, as well as the slender rear fixtures with three-dimensional LED-fed rows of light.

    Stylish, sophisticated, and typical of a genuine roadster: the interior.
    For harmonious unison of the exterior and interior so important in an open-air car, the shoulder line is reflected by the door panels with their unique configuration and flow from front to rear.
    The contoured surface to the left and right of the steering wheel incorporates the controls for the lights and air conditioning. These elements are available trimmed in Satin Silver matte, Brushed Aluminum, and Ash Grain Wood, the respective color and trim variant also being used on the center console and door handle.
    The standard seats with integrated headrests on the BMW Z4 sDrive35i feature high-quality Kansas leather in a choice of three colors. A fourth choice, Ivory White Nappa leather, is also available as part of the Exclusive Ivory White Leather Package, which includes sport seats and Anthracite wood trim.
    An Extended Leather option (Z4 sDrive35i only) adds leather on the upper section of the instrument panel, the doorsills, the sun visors in Black leather as well as the leather-finish door closing handles in upholstery color on the passenger’s side.
    The entire range of paintwork colors available on the new BMW Z4 is made up of no less than nine color tones including Orion Silver metallic exclusive to the new Roadster.

    Cycling in 20 seconds: the retractable hardtop.
    The new BMW Z4 is the first BMW roadster to protect its occupants from wind and weather with a fully retractable hardtop. This two-piece lightweight aluminum shell opens and closes at the touch of a button within 20 seconds. The compact packaging of the folding roof enables the Z4 Roadster to retain the ¬characteristic, slender proportions of its predecessor.
    This innovative roof system offers outstanding acoustic and aerodynamic qualities and sets a new standard in the Z4’s segment. Large windows and the high-quality roof lining give the hardtop a light look. Driver and passenger enjoy a bright ambience, generous space, and optimum visibility. Compared with the former model, the side windows are 40% larger, the see-through area in the rear window 52% larger, and all-round visibility increased14% over the previous generation.
    The glass rear window in the hardtop is equipped with an electric defroster and the four side windows of the new BMW Z4 may be lowered individually. The higher roofline and larger door openings allow easier and more convenient access with the roof closed.
    The retractable roof may be operated either by a switch in the center console or by remote control key fob when equipped with optional Comfort Access. Comfort Access also allows convenient loading and unloading of the luggage compartment with the roof open. To provide access to the luggage compartment in this case, the open hardtop is moved to an interim position facilitating the removal of large objects.

    Flexible storage with optional through-loading.
    The roof compartment and the luggage compartment are separated from one another by a moveable partition, which may be folded up to increase luggage space if the roof will remain closed.
    The moveable partition in the new BMW Z4 is unique in the premium roadster segment, and offers enough luggage space with the hardtop open for a medium-sized hard-shell suitcase.
    Using the optional through-loading system to the passenger compartment, the Z4 is able to accommodate a 46-inch full-size golf bag. When the roof is closed the luggage compartment easily accommodates up to four crates of large bottles or – when using the through-loading system – two 46-inch golf bags.
    Various other storage compartments are designed into the interior. The new Z4 offers storage trays in the center console, a 10-liter glove box, hinged compartments in the doors, and additional space behind the seats.
    Included with the Cold Weather Package is a storage package that provides an even wider range of storage and loading functions, with fastening nets on the rear panels of the seats and in the passenger’s footwell, lashing belts in the luggage compartment, as well as a storage box in the bulkhead leading to the luggage compartment.
    Optional through-loading system together with a transport bag ensures even greater versatility, allowing the user to load slender items such as golf bags or two pairs of skis measuring up to 67" in length.

    A successful concept with a great tradition:  inline-6 engines in the BMW Roadster.
    Elegant roadster lines, the BMW kidney grille, and a inline-6 engine form a combination that, in 1934, made the BMW 315/1 an unprecedented success both on the road and in motorsport. That combination has been retained to this day in the BMW Z4.
    The new Z4 is therefore being launched exclusively with inline-6 engines, a choice of two engines providing both power and performance. These unique engines exhibit refinement and fast-revving response typical of a BMW six-cylinder, offering an unparalleled balance of performance and fuel efficiency in the premium roadster segment thanks to the BMW EfficientDynamics engineering strategy. The individual versions of the new BMW Z4 come with on-demand management and control of the car’s accessory drives, a variable oil pump, intelligent lightweight technology, and optimized aerodynamics.
    BMW Z4 sDrive35i: performance with efficiency thanks to Twin Turbo and High Precision Injection.
    The most dynamic version of the new Z4 comes with the world’s first inline-6 engine to feature twin turbochargers, High Precision Injection, and an all-aluminum crankcase.
    The use of two turbochargers (each supplying three cylinders) ensures responsiveness never seen before on a turbocharged engine. The engine achieves peak torque of 300 lb-ft without the slightest delay, and maintains this high level of torque throughout a broad rev range from 1,400–5,000 rpm.
    Maximum output of 300 hp comes at 5,800 rpm, and the BMW Z4 sDrive35i accelerates to 60 mph in just 5.1 seconds (optional seven-speed double clutch sport automatic transmission in 5.0 seconds). The acceleration continues all the way to an electronically-limited 130 mph (150 mph when equipped with the optional Sport Package).
    High Precision Injection is a key element in the Z4’s efficient performance. Injecting fuel directly into the combustion chamber offers a cooling effect allowing a higher compression ratio and optimized combustion efficiency. This second generation of direct gasoline injection developed by BMW ensures significant benefits in fuel efficiency without restricting the dynamic qualities of the engine.

    The 6-cylinder normally aspirated engine:
    powerful and light thanks to magnesium.
    Offering spontaneous power and performance, excellent motoring refinement and outstanding efficiency, the 6-cylinder naturally-aspirated engine in the BMW Z4 sDrive30i again offers the very best in its segment. Weighing just 355 lb thanks to its composite magnesium/aluminum crankcase, cylinder head cover made of a special synthetic material and lightweight camshafts with aluminum VANOS control unit, is exceptionally light.
    While BMW’s VALVETRONIC engine management controls valve stroke on the intake valves, double-VANOS varies the angle of the intake and outlet valves in an infinite process. This allows particularly efficient use of fuel, providing a “beefy” torque curve and giving the engine instant response.
    The engine in the BMW Z4 sDrive30i develops maximum output of 255 hp from 3.0 liters capacity at an engine speed of 6,600 rpm. Maximum torque of 220 lb-ft, in turn, comes at just 2,600 rpm.
    With this kind of power, the BMW Z4 sDrive30i accelerates from a standstill to 60 mph in 5.6 seconds (with optional sport automatic in 6.0 seconds). Top speed is electronically limited to 130 mph (150 mph when equipped with the optional Sport Package).
    6-speed transmission with short gearshift travel featured as standard.
    All variants of the new BMW Z4 come as standard with a 6-speed manual gearbox. Developed specifically for BMW’s new Roadster, the various transmission options are particularly sporting in their character. Indeed, this is borne out in particular by extremely short gearshift travel much shorter than on all other current BMW models with a manual gearshift.
    Optional: 7-speed sport automatic with double clutch and 6-speed sport automatic with paddle shifters.
    As an option, the BMW Z4 sDrive35i is available with BMW’s newly developed double-clutch sport automatic gearbox. Based on the M DCT transmission introduced in the BMW M3, this 7-speed gearbox ensures faster acceleration and extra performance in comparison with the 6-speed manual gearbox, while providing the comfort features of a BMW automatic transmission. The 7-speed double-clutch sport automatic shifts gears without the slightest interruption of power.
    The BMW Z4 sDrive35i with its seven-speed sport automatic accelerates to 60mph in just 5.0 seconds, while fuel consumption is expected to outperform the fuel economy on the same model with a manual gearbox.
    Sport automatic gives the driver the choice of either automatic (Program D) or manual gear selection. If desired, the driver may shift gears manually by means of paddles on the steering wheel.
    The 6-speed sport automatic transmission available on the BMW Z4 sDrive30i promotes not only driving comfort, but also the sporty performance of a BMW Roadster. Indeed, the characteristics of the car are attributable to the direct connection linking the transmission to the engine, based on modern torque converter technology with an integrated torsion damper, avoiding unnecessary slip and therefore helping to eliminate any loss of power and performance. Even the slightest movement of the gas pedal, therefore, is converted spontaneously into a quick response with gearshift times reduced to a minimum.
    The sport automatic transmission offers the driver the opportunity to shift gears manually when desired. Apart from selecting gears via the selector lever on the center console, the driver also has the option to use the gearshift paddles on the steering wheel.
    Sophisticated suspension technology, high-performance ¬lightweight brakes.
    Rear-wheel drive, near perfect weight distribution, the long wheelbase and the low center of gravity on the roadster create ideal conditions for supreme agility.
    Featuring traditional spring-struts, a “double-jointed” front suspension made largely of aluminum, and a constant-geometry rear axle, the new Z4 comes with proven suspension concepts in a configuration perfectly tailored to the characteristics of the car.
    Electric power steering plays a role also in the BMW Z4, enhancing the precision and comfort of steering maneuvers and reducing fuel consumption, since the electric motor for steering power assistance is activated only when required or desired by the driver.
    The new Z4 comes with new high-performance brakes, featuring low weight and low brake pad wear. At the same time the BMW Z4 is the first car in its segment to feature an electrical parking brake activated and released by a button on the center console.
    Both versions of the new BMW Z4 come as standard on 17-inch light-alloy rims and with runflat tires as well as a Tire Pressure Monitor.
    BMW’s standard Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) serves not only to activate the ABS brakes and ensure stability on slippery surfaces by activating the brakes or reducing engine power, but also comprises other functions such as Brake Drying and Brake Standby as well as a Start-Off Assistant. Acting in a similar way to a mechanical limited slip differential, DSC electronic rear brake management is used to simulate a limited slip differential for stronger acceleration in turns.
    Activating Dynamic Traction Control at the touch of a button, the driver is able to raise the response thresholds for intervention by the DSC, thus enjoying the option, for example, to set off on loose snow with the drive wheels slightly spinning. And when desired, the driver is also able to deactivate DSC altogether (ABS remains active).
    Adaptive M Suspension featuring Electronic Damping Control (EDC).
    The agility of the BMW Roadster may be further enhanced by ordering the optional Sport Package featuring Adaptive M Suspension with Electronic Damping Control. A central control unit varies the “compression” and “rebound” stages on the four twin-sleeve gas pressure dampers to provide optimum response at all times. The response time is so fast that a signal coming from a front wheel crossing a hole in the road reaches and re-adjusts the rear dampers even before the rear wheels reach the same uneven road surface.
    Comfort and sportiness in one: Dynamic Drive Control.
    Dynamic Drive Control allows the driver of the new Z4 to choose the drive characteristics of the car. In addition to changing damper forces on the Adaptive M Suspension, DDC also conditions the responses of the gas pedal, the power steering, and the response thresholds of Dynamic Stability Control. And if the car is fitted with either sport automatic transmission, the adaptive gearshift logarithms are adjusted.
    The driver operates Dynamic Drive Control via a button on the center console next to the gear selector. By pressing the button, s/he is able to choose from the NORMAL, SPORT and SPORT+ modes, thus activating a pre-configured, perfectly balanced set-up. The SPORT mode, for example, offers more-direct steering behavior and a more-direct response to the gas pedal. The SPORT+ mode, in turn, serves additionally to activate the Dynamic Traction Control mode of DSC, intentionally allowing slight wheelspin and thus enabling the driver to take a bend in a controlled drift.
    Extra space, more safety.
    The new BMW Z4 is slightly larger outside than its predecessor, at the same time offering significantly more comfort in terms of space and a lot more loading space: BMW’s new Roadster is 5.8” longer, 0.4” wider, and 0.3” lower.  Wheelbase has grown 0.1” to measure 98.3".
    Apart from all-round visibility, the interior offers greater headroom (+0.20"), extra shoulder room (+0.79") and more elbow freedom (+1.69"). The door opening, increased in size by 1.02", allows even more convenient access with the roof closed.
    The extremely stiff bodyshell, lightweight construction and near 50/50 weight distribution enhance both the safety and agility of the new BMW Z4. High load-resistant subframes, optimum use of crush zones, the extremely stiff passenger cell and highly efficient restraint systems ensure outstanding accident safety. Frontal and head/thorax airbags, belt latch tensioners and belt force limiters are activated by the sensor-controlled electronic safety system as a function of the type and severity of a collision. The head/thorax airbags are integrated on the outside of the seat backrests and inflate over a large surface in the event of a collision from the side.
    Making its premiere in the BMW Roadster:
    the latest generation of iDrive.
    The new Z4 is the first BMW Roadster to feature the iDrive control system as part of its optional navigation system. In the new Z4 the iDrive serves to activate all entertainment, information, navigation and telecommunication functions.
    The system itself is made up of a Controller on the center console and a folding, high-resolution Control Display on the instrument panel, allowing the driver to intuitively and safely mastermind all available functions.
    Pressing the direct selection buttons on the newly configured Controller, the user is able to spontaneously change to the CD, radio, telephone and navigation functions. The range of direct selection buttons has now been rounded off by the three MENU, BACK and OPTION command buttons, and programmable favorite buttons in the instrument panel allow the user to save and directly select radio stations, telephone numbers and navigation destinations, and other menu items available directly through iDrive.
    Measuring 8.8 inches in size, the high-resolution Control Display with its resolution of 1,280 x 480 pixels offers excellent clarity in presenting graphics or pages from the internet. A picture of the Controller shown in the Control Display gives the driver greater and clearer orientation in choosing the next step in the operating process.
    Using the navigation system is even easier thanks to iDrive. Full-screen map presentation, for example, offers an incomparably detailed overview of the region in which the driver is currently traveling. As an alternative the Control Display also offers an assistance window presenting further highlights and maps independent of the main map.
    With navigation data saved on an 80 GB hard disc installed in the car, access times are faster than before. And at the same time the hard disc may also be used as a 15 GB music archive.
    Roadster-specific climate comfort and leather with
    Sun Reflective Technology.
    The new BMW Z4 is equipped as standard with air conditioning and seven blower stages. Optional automatic climate control allows separate temperature selection on the driver’s and passenger’s side, individual, automatic temperature control in five stages of intensity, and manual adjustment of air stratification. With the roof open, automatic climate control includes convertible mode.
    Like BMW’s Convertibles, the leather in the new Roadster incorporates Sun Reflective Technology. A special, highly innovative type of leather on the seats, interior panels, and steering wheel that significantly reduces the heat effect of bright sunshine: Treatment of the leather in Sun Reflective Technology serves to integrate special color pigments into the material to reflect infrared radiation in the sunlight.
    Top-end audio and communication systems.
    The audio systems available in the new BMW Z4 set standards in the segment in every respect.
    The CD player fitted as regular series equipment also serves to play music files in the MP3 format. The available premium hi-fi system comes with up to 14 loudspeakers and two additional subwoofers for an intense and precise experience in sound, with amplifier output of up to 650 watts. A standard AUX-In port is provided, allowing the integration of various external MP3 player. A 6-disc CD/DVD changer in the glove compartment is also available.
    A Bluetooth interface is available in conjunction with optional BMW Assist to offer greater safety and convenience for making telephone calls while driving. To fully integrate the latest smartphones in the car, the new BMW Z4 is also available with a smart phone integration option.
    New production plant: BMW Roadster coming from Regensburg.
    The new BMW Z4 is built at BMW Plant Regensburg alongside the 3 Series and the BMW 1 Series. This is because BMW Plant Spartanburg, where the former model was built, is concentrating from now on entirely on the production of BMW’s X models.
    BMW Ultimate ServiceTM:
    Providing owners with incredible value and peace of mind
    The 2009 BMW Z4 Roadster will feature BMW Ultimate ServiceTM, a suite of services that includes the BMW Maintenance Program (formerly called Full Maintenance), Roadside Assistance and the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. BMW AssistTM with TeleService is part of the optional Premium Package or can be ordered separately as a stand-alone option.

    Photo hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.comPhoto hérbergée par zimagez.com

    à suivre......



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